Friday, May 30, 2008

I Like Trumpets

May is fleeting fast. It always does as things like school, concerts and special programs, end of the year recitals, etc. all seem to happen in May. BUT Christmas endures on my CD's.

I've been listening to some Baroque Christmas music and it occurred to me that a couple of the selections should have been used to announce Jesus' birth. Oh, I know they hadn't been written yet, but wouldn't it have been awesome if the angels had decended from heaven with the baby Jesus in their arms to the brass accompaniment of Purcell's "Tumpet Tune and Air," and laid him in a soft bed in a magnificent palace?

God didn't choose that plan. Instead he gave an ordinary young Jewish couple a baby whom they laid in a manger behind an inn in Bethlehem because there wasn't a room available to them.

One other selection on my Baroque Christmas CD is Handel's "Tochter Zion." It is a short trumpet fanfare (actually part of "Judas Maccabeus" by George Freidrich Handel). It is in my hymnal under the title, "Thine is the Glory" and is located in the Easter section. The words speak of Jesus as the risen, conquering Son. So it occurred to me that perhaps when Jesus comes back to rule over earth, the trumpets will play this song. Scripture does say, "The trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." (I Corinthians 15:52)

While we wait, Merry Christmas,

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