Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Make a Connection

After Christmas do you take time to write thank-you notes to the people who gave you gifts? Some people do and some don't. Some people train their kids to write thank-you notes. I always appreciate those little notes, usually short and to the point, but more and more creative as the child gets older.

When I was a child I was required to write thank-you notes only to those who sent gifts and were not present to be thanked personally.

Today I was reading the story of Jesus healing the ten men who had leprosy. All believed Jesus could heal them. All did exactly as Jesus told them and hurried off to the priest so he could declare them healed. But one man stopped on his way and ran back to Jesus. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him. Out of this act of gratitude that man began a relationship with Jesus that the others missed.

A relationship with Jesus - that was the whole point. When I receive a thank-you note or I write one, a connection begins - that, too, is the point. We are called to connect - connect with God and with people.

This year as you purchase, wrap, mail, and receive gifts, make a connection - begin a relationship. Check to see if you have an attitude of gratitude. Or are you just as hassled this year as last?

Thank You, God, for the Christmas gift You sent, Your only Son, to be my Redeemer and Lord.

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