Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Spring Reminder

This is the time of the year when our tulip tree blooms. This is not the same tree as our neighbor's which greets spring with a burst of large fushia-colored flowers. Our tree produces delicte cup-shaped blossoms that you have to get up close to see. They are light green with orange and yellow centers.

A few years ago, when my husband was enjoying his hobby of painting, he chose to paint a picture of our tulip blossoms. We made his picture into a Christmas card and I wrote the following:

One hardly even notices these blossoms
hidden among the leaves of the tulip tree
without walking close and gazing upward.
May they remind you to come close to the manger
and gaze at God's Christmas gift to you -
a Savior, which is Christ, the Lord.

Merry Christmas,

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